How Do I Change a Finding's Severity Level?

There are various reasons why you may want to change a finding’s severity level. Perhaps the resource that the finding is pointing to is a side project that does not have a large impact in case a breach happens. In that case, it might make sense that you may want to lower its severity from what we deem it as.

We let you do just that. Once you start seeing findings on the Detect page, you are now able to change a specific finding’s severity from its current value to another severity level based on your organization’s context.

To change a finding’s severity level:

  1. Click on the Issue Summary of the finding you want to change.

  2. Scroll to the specific finding whose severity and status you want to change.

  3. Select the severity drop-down list located beside the finding and select the level you want it to be.

  4. Click on Save Changes.

Findings marked with the severity you configured for that specific finding will remain in the same level on future scans. You should also see an Activity Log entry with the corresponding status change on it.