3.4 Onboard your Alibaba Cloud Account
- Login to your Alibaba Cloud Console and navigate to the RAM Policies page under the Resource and Access Management (RAM) service.
- Click on Create Policy.
- Give an appropriate name (i.e, WardenScannerPolicy) for Policy Name.
- Select the Script Configuration Mode.
- Copy the following text from the JSON file here into the Policy Document field.
- Click OK.
- Navigate to the RAM Users page under the RAM service.
- Click on Create User.
- Give an appropriate name (i.e, WardenScannerSystemUser) for Logon Name and Display Name (i.e. Warden Scanner System User).
- Select only Programmatic Access under Access Mode.
- Click OK.
- Copy the AccessKeyID and AccessKey Secret fields and noted them down securely.
- Select the checkbox next to the user and click on Add Permissions.
- Under Authorized Scope, ensure that Alibaba Cloud Account is selected.
- Click on Custom Policy under Select Policy and select the policy that was created earlier.
- Click OK and Complete.
- Get the Enterprise Alias from your Alibaba Cloud Account and paste it in the field below. You can get the Enterprise Alias by hovering over your profile picture at the top right on the Alibaba Cloud Console.
- Contact your Warden Account Manager to help you complete the onboarding.