Rules View

Warden's Rules View gives you a list of all the checks that have been conducted in your cloud against international/local compliance standards.

Rules View

Warden's Rules View gives you a list of all the checks that have been conducted in your cloud against international/local compliance standards.


How Can Rules View Help You?

Rules view allows you to zoom in on which rules need to be resolved to help you stay compliant.

Parts of Warden Rules View

1. Security Brief

The number of open checks by severity level.

2. Rule Title

The title of the Warden rule, as well as its corresponding cloud provider (represented by its symbol).

aws.94f76042 Amazon Web Services (AWS)

gcp.7f886683Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

3. Scoring

Scoring displays how many resources have passed or failed a rule.

4. Filters

Filters allow you to further refine your results to show the checks based on the criteria you select.

Navigating Warden Rules View


  1. Click on the Warden rule you want to investigate.
  2. Click on any of the accounts inside to see all the resources this rule has checked.
  3. You should then see all the resources that rule covers and whether they pass or fail Warden’s checks.
  4. Click on Resolve to see more details about that check.