Warden API Endpoints v1

Endpoint Access

Access the Warden API through this endpoint: https://api.horangi.com/v1/cspm

Header Authorization

Put the API key in the header of the request with the case sensitive header name `x-api-key`


x-api-key: API_KEY_VALUE

Follow the instructions on Managing Warden API Keys to generate a new API key.


If the number of items being requested exceeds the page limit, the API response will include a url in `response.links.next`.

Performing a GET request on this URL will return the next page of items. Note that all query parameters are included in `page_cursor`, so you do not need to specify the same query parameters in subsequent paginated requests.



GET /checks

This endpoint returns the latest checks for an Organization. The response is returned in JSON format.

Query Parameters

Query Parameter Type Required Description
page_cursor String No An opaque value embedded in the response field response.links.next. This is used to retrieve the next page of items.

Note that this parameter is ignored if there are other query parameters in the request. For example, /checks?page_cursor=xxx&results=fail is the same as /checks?filter_result=fail.
page_limit Integer No The maximum number of checks can be returned in one page.
  • Default: 500
  • Minimum: 1
  • Maximum: 1000
results Array No

One or more (comma delimited) keys to filter based on check.result.

Valid values:

  • pass
  • fail
severities Array No One or more (comma delimited) keys to filter based on check.severity.

Valid values:
  • informational
  • low
  • medium
  • high
  • critical
statuses Array No One or more (comma delimited) keys to filter based on check.status. Status is only applicable for checks with "fail" result

Valid values:
  • open
  • risk_accepted
  • false_positive
  • remediated
  • needs_review
system_compliance Array No One or more (comma delimited) keys to filter based on system-defined compliance standards. Some compliance standards might be applicable to only a few specific cloud providers.

Valid values: refer to system_compliance table
scans Array No

One or more (comma delimited) keys to filter based on scan.id.

To get a list of scans in your organisation use GET /setting/scans

Sample valid values: 6aba9817-44d2-4fe4-a0a9-46f84aa44b92

scan_groups Array No

One or more (comma delimited) keys to filter based on scan_group.id.

To get a list of scan_groups in your organisation use GET /setting/scan_groups

Sample valid values: 



System Compliance Standard

Compliance Standard Name/Description
APRA CPG 234 standards
AWS WAF standards
BNM RMiT standards
Cloud Control Matrix v4.0.5
CIS-AWS benchmark.
cis-aws-1-4 CIS AWS 1.4
cis-azr-1-4 CIS AZR 1.4
CIS-GCP 1.1 standards
CIS-GCP 1.2 standards
CIS-GKE standards
GDPR standards for data privacy
HUAWEI Cloud Security Configuration Guide 3.2.
ISO 27001 standards
MAS mandated Cyber Hygiene standards.
MAS-TRM standards.
MAS-TRM standards
NIST cybersecurity framework standards.
PCI DSS v3.2.1 standards for card payment security
PCI DSS v4.0 standards for card payment security
POJK 38 MRTI regulation
SEOJK 21 MRTI regulation
SOC 2 standards
Personal Data Protection Act BE2562-2019 (Unofficial English Translation), Official Notification on Standards for Personal Data Security B.E. 2563 (2020) (Unofficial English Translation)


Example curl commands:

# getting all latest checks 
curl --header "x-api-key:API_KEY_VALUE" https://api.horangi.com/v1/cspm/checks
# getting all latest checks covered in ISO 27001 Standards
curl --header "x-api-key:API_KEY_VALUE" https://api.horangi.com/v1/cspm/checks?system_compliance=iso-27001
# getting all latest failed checks
curl --header "x-api-key:API_KEY_VALUE" https://api.horangi.com/v1/cspm/checks?results=fail
# getting all latest failed checks with critical and high severity
curl --header "x-api-key:API_KEY_VALUE" https://api.horangi.com/v1/cspm/checks?results=fail&severities=critical%2Chigh
# getting all latest failed checks with critical severity and open status
curl --header "x-api-key:API_KEY_VALUE" https://api.horangi.com/v1/cspm/checks?results=fail&severities=critical&statuses=open

Query Response

Response Field Type Description
data.[x].id uuid The unique identifier for the item.
data.[x].type String The item type. This will be 'check'
data.[x].attributes.scan_target String The cloud account id of the scan that this check belongs to.
data.[x].attributes.resource_region String The cloud region where the resource of this check is located at.
data.[x].attributes.resource_id String The cloud native identifier for the resource of this check.
data.[x].attributes.resource_name String The name of the resource for this check.
data.[x].attributes.result String The result of this check.

- pass
- fail
data.[x].attributes.severity String The final severity of this check if suppression is applied.

- informational
- low
- medium
- high
- critical
data.[x].attributes.status String The status of this check.

- open
- risk_accepted
- false_positive
- remediated
- needs_review
data.[x].attributes.created_at String The time this check was created.
data.[x].attributes.scan_group_name String The name of the scan group that this check belongs to.
data.[x].attributes.scan_name String The name of the scan that this check belongs to.
data.[x].attributes.title String The rule title of this check.
data.[x].attributes.original_severity String The original severity of this check before suppression is applied.

- informational
- low
- medium
- high
- critical
links.self URL the url that generates this response
links.next URL If not null, the url to be used to request the next page of items.

Rate Limits

For each API key, the following rate limits apply

  • 5000 requests per day
  • 50 requests per second

A 429 error code will be returned if the rate limit is exceeded.


Error Code



Invalid query parameters.


API key not granted with the right permissions.


Invalid API Key.


Wrong resource path.


Method not allowed.


Throttling limits reached.


Internal Server Error.